Flex List - Extra Row Bug

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Slowly digging through archives of stuff I have been meaning to blog and I got reminded about this little issue I noticed when I increased the row height on a Flex List component. Looking at the example below note that the list on the left has a load of white space below the final row???

The solution I actually found came when I used Alex Harui’s smooth scrolling list class which is the list on the right. I am sure there is a fix out there more elegant but I just noticed this as a by product when implementing Alex’s smooth list logic.

[kml_flashembed movie=”http://assets.newtriks.com.s3.amazonaws.com/newtriks_blog/images/2010/02/ListExtraRowExample.swf” height=”450” width=”625” /]

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When I have more time I will dig out the actual culprit and strip it right back!
